We have also put up 11 heritage information boards around Stonehouse.
Click here for a map of our boards.
We have created displays for the Gloucestershire Local History Association Local History Days.
The theme of the GLHA Day in 2024 was Gloucestershire Life Stories
Our title was Edward Jenner Davies
The theme of the GLHA Day in 2022 was The History of Education in Gloucestershire
Our title was How adult education evolved in Stonehouse
The display (one pdf above) includes information about:
The Samson Harris library
Early schools
Handloom weavers
Mechanics’ Institutes
Stonehouse Institute
Stonehouse Subscription Rooms
Stonehouse Community Centre
The theme in 2018 was Between the Wars: Life in Gloucestershire 1919 – 1939.
Our title was “Stonehouse – moving forward 1919 – 1939”
Location (canal, railway)
Transport (R W Baker, Gardiner’s Garage)
Communications (Post Office)
Industry (Paper & Bag Mills, Vowles Brushworks, Severn Valley Fruit Co, Brick & Tile Co. Ltd)
Community Life (Church Hall, Subscription Rooms, Cinema, Celebrations, Pubs, Police Station)
High Street (shops)
The theme in 2017 was Gardens for Food, Fun and Flowers
Our topics were:
Bridgend Nursery
Horticultural Shows
Stonehouse in Bloom
Trees on Stonehouse High Street
Willow Plantation near Beard’s Mill
The theme in 2015 was Immigration and Emigration
Immigration and Emigration
One pdf above containing these topics:
Stonehouse: 1600-1800 Who moved?
Stonehouse: Why did people move?
Stonehouse: Moving on
War Workers arrive 1939-1940
Accommodating War Workers 1940s
New Maisonettes 1940s
Bridgend Hostel 1940s
Displaced Persons 1945-1955
Refugees From Egypt 1956-1959
The theme in 2014 was The Effects of World War 1 on Gloucestershire Communities
Our topics were:
Stonehouse in World War One
The Baker family
Captain B D Parkin: man of distinction
Mary King & Standish V.A.D. Hospital
Staff at Standish V.A.D. Hospital
Standish Hospital in pictures
Stonehouse women made their mark
Wycliffe College and the War
The aftermath
Stonehouse remembers
The theme in 2013 was Special Houses.
Our topics were:
Map showing the location of the houses featured in the display
Wycliffe Houses: Haywardsend House
Wycliffe Houses: Haywardsfield Hall (School House)
Wycliffe Houses: Ivy Grove
Standish House: The King Family 1884 – 1898
Standish VAD Hospital: 1914 -1922
Standish Sanatorium: 1922 -1947
Nutshell House
Orchard House
The Old Thatched Cottage
Stonehouse Court Fire 1908