Nigel Moss
Nigel’s family have kept a shop (The Curiosity Shop) in Queen’s Road for over 50 years. They also ran a garage at the bottom of Aldergate Street (Moss Motors) in the 1960s.
Nigel has shared some of his photographs and memories of working in the shop here.
Abela family story
Johnny and Nora Abela came to Bridgend Hostel in 1956 as refugees from Egypt after the Suez crisis. We included Nora’s story in Journal Issue 5.
In November 2024 Nora’s daughter, Josephine Morley (Jo), gave us some more information about the family tree and their life in England, which we added to the original article (link above).
Pam Barnett’s memories
Pam lived in Aldergate Street all her life. She worked at Stonehouse Co-op for 42 years. Here are some of her memories of life in Stonehouse.
Blair family Archive
Ian Blair’s family lived at Avenue Terrace and his grandfather worked at Frederick Steel & Co at Ebley Mill. There are photos of the family and of the places where they worked, as well as some of the Rifle shooting and football teams they played for. Also his grandfather and father’s service in WW2. This is only a selection of the photos and notes that Ian sent us. If anyone is interested in finding out more then we can put you in touch with Ian.
Ted Collins – The History of J.A. Collins Bridgend in the 1960s
Val Pegler – Potato picking in 1960
Betty Barnfield (nee Everett) – Eastington resident.
Betty was 102 in 2022. She has written down some of her memories of life in the Eastington area. We also recorded her talking about her life which we have incorporated into this article. Betty died on 27th April 2022.
Jocelyn Walmsley (nee Willcox) – Stonehouse in the 1930s
This is a pdf containing Jocelyn’s memories of life in Stonehouse during the 1930s. We have added a large number of photographs from our collection to illustrate it. Topics include: Willcox Chemist, Gardiner’s Garage, Congregational Church, Shops and pubs, Stonehouse Brick & Tile Co.Ltd., Transport, King George V Silver Jubilee 1935, The Manse
Kathleen Postles – War-time Memories
Bob Lusty – Memories of the milk round
Bob Lusty – My early childhood in the 1940s and 1950s
Bob Lusty – My Christmas as a young boy in Leonard Stanley and Stonehouse
Bob Lusty – The Beatles in Stroud 1962
Cider with Sally – Grace Sarah Miller-Smith’s childhood memories of Eastington in the late 1800s.
This is a list of people whose memories have been gathered by SHG and used in Journal articles. Click on the links to go to the relevant Journal issues.
Abela, Nora Bridgend Hostel J5
Adey, Irene Irene Adey J7
Blanch, Peggy Memories of the Regal Cinema J4
Blick, Valerie Memories of my life by Valerie Blick J4
Bliss, Sylvia Life in the Women’s Land Army J1
Bonnello, Robbie Bridgend Hostel J5
Broomhall, Audrey An evacuee in Stonehouse J6
Carter, Bert Bert Carter – railway signalman J3
Clark, Eric Memories of Stonehouse: Eric Clark J2
Daffurn, Tony Standish House Sanatorium c1944 – 1945 J8
Deuten, Peggy Peggy Deuten, Girl Guide J1
Deuten, Peggy Fire Precautions J1
Dicker, Ken Memories from Stonehouse Police Station J2
Edwards, Roy “Founded Upon a Rock” Stonehouse school days J6
Edwards, Roy “These were our Rock’n’Roll years” J6
French, Arthur Memories of Stonehouse by Arthur French J7
Flagg, David Stonehouse Post Office sends Land Army girls to Devon J5
French, Arthur Stonehouse Brick and Tile Company Ltd 1891-1968 J2
Gerlach, Erwin Erwin Gerlach, former German POW J1
Grant, Allen Bridgend Hostel J5
Hall, Michael Police Sergeant George Smith J4
Hebron, Maureen Bridgend Hostel J5
Hemming, Chris The Woolpack Inn J6
Hodges, Christine Stonehouse Primary School: the happiest days of my life? J3
Jefferies, Robert Robert Jefferies J3
Jefferies, Terry Young and Wolf Ltd J2
Kardynal, Adolf Bridgend Hostel J5
Kent, Jenny Bridgend Hostel J5
King, Kathlyn Bridgend Nursery J7
Lacey, Richard Stanley Mill J9
Levy, Margaret Working at Stonehouse Telephone Exchange J2
Mason, Bob & Ann Memories of the Regal Cinema J4
McCallum, John Severn Valley Fruit Company J9
Paskey, Stan Working at Ryeford Sawmill: Stan Paskey’s memories J8
Peters, John A little boy in war-time J1
Powell, Betty Memories of Stonehouse: Betty Powell J2
Pryke, Mrs E. Fire Precautions J1
Pugh, Les Bridgend Hostel J5
Pugh, Les Obituary of Les Pugh J3
Reynolds, Tony Bridgend Hostel J5
Ricks, Audrey My life in the Church J6
Round-Smith, Jeremy Severn Valley Fruit Company J9
Round-Smith, Tom Tom Round-Smith – a remarkable life J6
Sargeant, Betty How I came to work for Bletchley Park J1
Sargeant, Betty Obituary of Betty Sargeant J7
Shiers, Tom Bridgend Hostel J5
Shiers, Tom Tom Shiers remembers J7
Sturm, June A fond farewell to June J5
Taylor, Len The Woolpack Inn J6
Taylor, Margaret Wycliffe at War J1
Weaver, Ernest Ernest Weaver, evacuee J5
Webb, Darrell Memories of the Regal Cinema J4
White, Richard A brief history of Standish Hospital Radio J8
Williams, Ruth Memories of the Regal Cinema J4
Wood, Colin Young and Wolf Ltd J2
Wood, Colin Memories of the Regal Cinema J4
Woodyard, Frank Stonehouse British Restaurant J1
Woodyard, Frank Frank Woodyard J7
Wyman, Winnie Bridgend Hostel J5