There was a barn on the land in the 1600s. The barn was re-thatched in 1745.
The present building was built in 1806. It was where the village fairs were held with the Green in front. Possibly the Globe was built for a permanent building for the fair days. It is on record as an inn in 1812.
In about 1896 the Parish Council decided to enforce its authority over the greens and roadside wastes by creating a Greens Committee. In 1898 they erected a notice board stating that permission had to be obtained from the Council for use of the greens. The landlord of the Globe Inn, Mr Pickard, was in the habit of allowing fairs and booths to use the green in front of his pub. He objected to the council’s board and removed it. The council duly removed the pub’s sign post and board. A court case was brought to prove that the land belonged to the public, represented by the Parish Council, and not owned by the Globe Inn. As the land was not included in the Title Deeds for the Globe Inn, the case was won by the council and secured the Green for public use. The landlord of the Globe was allowed to erect his signpost for 6d a year and permission had to be obtained from the Greens Committee for fairs and shows to be held.