GLHA Forum documents

Here are the documents for the GLHA Forum to be held on September 9th.

This Forum is only open to representatives of member groups of the Gloucestershire Local History Association

Dear GLHA member groups

The next GLHA Forum will be held on Monday September 9th at 2.00 pm at the Heritage Hub.

It will include a workshop “Into the Classroom” following on from the talk by Jemma Fowkes in June on “Working with schools”.

I have already sent out the Agenda on August 9th along with some information about History in the National Curriculum and Questions you may wish to consider before attending the meeting.

 Please find links to all the relevant documents for the meeting

 Agenda GLHA Forum Sept 9th

Minutes of the Forum June 17th

National Curriculum Stages 1-3

Questions for Sept 9th workshop

 Chair’s Report

Treasurer’s Report

GLHA Accounts

Glos Archives report

Dates for your diary

GCHT report will be verbal at the meeting


Best wishes

Vicki Walker

Secretary GLHA